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Looking Back at Flooring in 2022

Floor design | Rockwall Floor and Paint

Can you believe it’s almost 2023? As we get ready for a new year with new options and trends, here is a look back at what was hot in flooring for 2022. Trust the team at Rockwall Floor and Paint in Rockwall, TX for all of your 2023 flooring needs!…

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The Top 4 Flooring Options for Your Kitchen

The Top 4 Flooring Options for Your Kitchen | Rockwall Floor and Paint

When selecting kitchen flooring, there are many different considerations for homeowners to consider. There’s durability, the required level of maintenance, cost, and appearance. These things should be top of mind when browsing for kitchen flooring. Let us help you as you embark on your next kitchen project or renovation. The…

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Refresh Your Style With New Rugs

Area rug | Rockwall Floor and Paint

It’s that time of year again! Fall just blew in, bringing new opportunities to host cozy gatherings with friends in your home. Bring on football games, bowls of chili, steamy cocoa and pumpkin spice everything! So, if you still have that summer throw rug with pineapples from July gracing your…

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The Most Durable Flooring For High-Traffic Areas

Flooring | Rockwall Floor and Paint

We may still be enjoying the peak of fall color and crisp weather outside, but the holidays are just around the corner. Holiday season – especially this one following so much isolation due to the pandemic – means more people in your home. More people in your home means more…

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Flooring Options That Will Add Value To Your Home

Floor design | Rockwall Floor and Paint

There are a lot of ways to describe flooring. We often hear words and phrases like durable, stylish, trendy, low-maintenance, affordable, resilient, and so on. Seldom, however, is flooring described as being a “sound investment” or a “value-add,” but with the proper flooring selection, this could very much be the…

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